
Caleb Brown, MBA, CFP®

Caleb Brown是New Planner播客的主持人, 同时也是New Planner Recruiting的联合创始人兼首席执行官, 专门从事招聘的招聘公司, 筛选, 整合全国理财公司的理财规划师. 他被《bet5365首页手机版下载》杂志评为“下一代影响者”, 《bet5365首页手机版下载》杂志评选的行业最具影响力的25人之一, 以及《365bet线上盘口app官网》40位40岁以下人群. He is a graduate of the Texas Tech Personal Financial Planning Program and started his career spending more than five years in an RIA firm in North Texas helping a sole practitioner transition the firm to an ensemble model. Brown has been recognized as a Distinguished Alumnus for the TTU College of Human Sciences and a Distinguished Alumnus for the TTU Financial Planning Program. He has authored Successful Hiring for Financial Planners: The Human Capital Advantage which is a compilation of the to do’s and what not to do’s in hiring for a financial planning firm so business owners can alleviate pain points often associated with hiring. As well as Finding Your Path: The Roadmap From Student to Successful Financial Planner a guide for aspiring planners to create the career of their dreams.

Brown是Kolbe认证™️顾问, 也是平安险职业日项目的创始人, 始于达拉斯/Ft. 沃斯章和随后,已被全国其他组织实施. 在布朗的职业生涯中, 他指导过, 聘请了, 管理, and coached many career changers and college students seeking internships and full-time positions in financial planning as well as the firm owners who hire them. 他也是佐治亚大学财务规划项目的兼职教员. 工作之余, Brown coaches youth sports and volunteers with various programs benefiting foster and adoptive kids. 他也是一个狂热的高尔夫球手,徒步旅行者,硬汉泥人,和滑雪板.

乔尔·P. Bruckenstein

乔尔·P. Bruckenstein, CFP®️, is a globally recognized authority in the field of applied technology for financial professionals. 他是著名的《365bet线上盘口app官网》(Technology Tools for Today, T3)的出版商。, 以前被称为虚拟办公室新闻,现在被称为T3技术中心.

作为备受推崇的T3顾问会议背后的推动者, Bruckenstein has established it as the preeminent technology event for independent financial advisors executives from independent broker/dealers and executives from large registered investment advisory firms. 会议还欢迎金融科技记者, 私募股权公司, 以及支持财富科技生态系统的资产管理公司. 2024年将迎来20周年纪念, 会议始终如一地为与会者提供了无与伦比的价值.

二十多年了, 布鲁肯斯坦一直为各种规模的金融服务公司提供咨询服务, 协助他们加强科技基础设施, 简化流程, 优化工作流程.


阿克沙伊·达万(阿卡什Dhawan)是总部位于华盛顿特区的安库拉(Ankura)的董事总经理.C. 他有超过15年的设计经验, 实现, 管理各种信息技术和网络风险相关项目.

Dhawan has extensive experience working with IT and security executives across industries to develop and deliver leading edge solutions rooted with a deep understanding of the organization's business priorities and goals. He is a trusted advisor to his clients assisting them solve complex challenges with their security controls and compliance programs. He has served as a chief information security officer (CISO) for clients across a diverse set of industries and organizational sizes. 在他目前的职位上, Dhawan is responsible for leading Ankura's Cloud Security Services and also servers as board advisory to companies.

在加入Ankura之前,Dhawan领导Federal Risk & 德勤授权管理(FedRAMP)云认证服务. He has also served in a leadership role within AICPA's task force to develop frameworks for new and existing industry-based information security certification programs.


凯特·希利(凯特·希利)是金融服务行业高管和NextGen倡导者, 有目的地打造品牌. 她是崇尚智商的首席执行官和创始人, 有限责任公司, a consultancy firm designed to help wealth management create growth strategies to take advantage of demographic changes affecting workforce and client acquisition.

希利被广泛认为是下一代理财规划师的主要倡导者, 对于女性顾问和财务规划专业来说. Wealthmanagement.网站将她列入2018年“十大值得关注人物”名单. In 2016, 投资顾问 杂志将希利评为该行业最具影响力的25人之一. 2015年,希利被InvestmentNews评选为首届“值得关注的女性”. 另外, 她是TD Ameritrade 2014年“多样性和包容性领导力”影响力奖得主.

She is past board chair of the Foundation for Financial Planning and clerk for the Invest in Others board. 希利支持CFP董事会的妇女倡议(WIN)委员会, 金融规划中心的咨询委员会, 以及该中心的多元化顾问委员会. 她曾担任TD Ameritrade Institutional的董事总经理, 领先的营销和下一代.

希利经常在包括InvestmentNews在内的行业活动上发表演讲, FA杂志, 未来的证明, 平安险, NAPFA和TD Ameritrade的LINC全国会议. 她是行业出版物和播客的撰稿人, 包括《bet5365首页手机版下载》, WealthManagement.和InvestmentNews. 他持有Rutgers College的经济学学士学位.

Dennis Stearns, CFP®,ChFC

Dennis Stearns是Stearns Financial Group的创始人和总裁, 一个20亿美元的收费商业计划, 北卡罗来纳州的财务规划和投资管理公司.

斯特恩斯被评为年度企业家(商业领袖), 最受尊敬的首席执行官(三合会商业杂志)和小企业倡导者(格林斯博罗商会). 他被华尔街称为“领先的金融未来主义者”.com and “one of the leading scenario experts and futurists in the financial planning industry” by the Financial Planning Association. 他的公司被CitiWire评为未来50家最具创新力的公司之一.

他曾被包括NAPFA在内的主要行业杂志和新闻网站引用 顾问杂志《bet5365首页手机版下载》《365bet线上盘口app官网》《365bet线上盘口app官网》《华尔街.com和同行评议的Journal of Financial Planning.

斯特恩斯是几本书的作者, 包括CEO道路规则:正确的焦点, 正确的人, 正确的执行力(必读)——丹尼尔·约恩特, 前首席执行官, Walgreens) and Fourth Quarter Fumbles: How Successful People Avoid Critical Mistakes Later in Life. Workbooks for the 4th quarter of life include Fourth Quarter Champions and Fourth Quarter Champions: Business Owner Edition (“essential reading for business owners” – Doug Tatum, 前ACG全球主席). Dennis’s new book is called Ninja Entrepreneur: Secrets of Top Business Owners to Thrive in Uncharted Waters.

Stearns is an active community leader and has been awarded three national community service awards from the YMCA, TDA社区英雄和投资他人. 他在几所大学和基金会的董事会任职. 他是一名前国际象棋大师,曾在美国国际象棋锦标赛上参加过泛美象棋队.S. 历史. He has played simultaneous chess with up to 50 people at the same time raising money for children’s charities. 20多年来,他一直在市中心的一个国际象棋俱乐部为有风险的年轻人授课.


卡罗琳·托马斯就高管们面临的最重要挑战提供建议, 包括他们如何领导, 他们如何使组织与战略保持一致, 以及他们如何在这两个过程中创造追随者. 她的客户包括消费品行业的领导者, 金融服务, 医疗保健, 以及专业服务行业.

一个受欢迎的教练, 策略师, 和演讲者, 托马斯指导领导者和他们的团队进行战略变革, 文化的演进, 以及变革性收购. Her extensive experience and no-nonsense approach immediately attract senior executives who crave answers and have “had it” with bluster. 托马斯还为如何建立有凝聚力的管理团队设定了标准, 减少变化期间的不确定性, 全面提高领导效能.

加入CRA之前, Thomas researched the effects of genetic counselors’ communication styles on parents of newborns for the Human Genome Project. She earned Communication Science and Women’s Studies degrees from the University of Wisconsin and an MBA from the University of Denver.


Dr. 萨哈尔·尤瑟夫和卢卡斯·米勒

Dr. 萨哈尔·尤瑟夫和卢卡斯·米勒 are both cognitive neuroscientists and MBA faculty at UC Berkeley’s Haas School of Business.

伯克利分校, Sahar and Lucas run the Becoming Superhuman Lab (featured in Forbes Wired and Business Insider) and teach one of the most popular MBA classes, 名为《成为超人:生产力和绩效的科学》. Yousef has become one of the world’s leading experts on cognitive training and is featured as a top scientist in the Headspace wellbeing app (used by more than two million people every day). In 2021, Yousef produced a multi-part video series with John Legend on the science of music and its impact on our focus and emotions.

在学术世界之外, 他们共同制作了《bet5365首页手机版下载》, a training and consulting firm which teaches busy professionals who think for a living how to get their most important work done, 在更短的时间内, 压力更小. Miller specializes in physiology and performance psychology and uses his background as a competitive powerlifter to help knowledge workers increase their daily energy levels, 有效管理压力, 优化他们的工作和家庭生活.

自COVID开始以来, they have collectively given more than 500 talks and keynotes to knowledge workers in 50+ countries, 为谷歌的高管团队提供过建议吗, Coinbase, 和签证, 并受邀为美国国会和沙特阿拉伯政府演讲.